I just loved the title I came up with for this one...

This was my first attempt to submit to CK for the Becky Sketch... It didn't get selected for the mag, but I really loved it. It was also my first attempt at using color select in Photoshop...

I loved this one because of the action shots and the journaling...

My dd enjoying a donut... A completely unintentional "passionate" shot which turned into this layout.

I love this one for the photo and the fact that I did it as a gift to a friend and former student... The young lady who is pictured was a student of mine six years prior to the photo being taken, then her younger sister just happens to be the same age as my ds and now her mother and I play wallyball together. I saw the photo one day when I was substitute teaching at the high school and had the chance to look through the yearbook... I called her shortly after that and asked if I could get a copy of the pic so I could scrap it for her. I ended up doing a few pages for her, but this is still my fave.

This one of my ds just came together... Love the swirls and how it represents a blustery winter day...

And finally two gifts that were given to two very special people... First my ds third grade teacher's gift at the end of the year - this was also the first item I ever had accepted to the BG gallery.

And second, I did this layout for my dear friend whose husband was killed in a horrible car accident last June. I had her youngest daughter in my Sunday School class when she was three, watched her on the days mom had to work when she was in K with my ds and have now discovered that mom and I share the passion for scrapping. The journaling is the lyrics for the song "Everything I Own" by Bread (which is on my playlist if you care to listen). I heard the song just after the accident and ended up crying as I was driving down the street listening. I knew I had to do this for her at that point.